Thu 12 Feb 2026 20:15 - 22:00
Banned and forgotten music
Score Collective + Ebony Band musicians
Score Collective (photo Jaap Kroon)

Banned and forgotten music

Score Collective + Ebony Band musicians
Thu 12 Feb 2026 20:15 - 22:00
Thu 12 Feb 2026
20:15 - 22:00
  • Thu 12 Feb 2026
    20:15 - 22:00
    Grote Zaal


19.15 / Foyerdeck 1 / Pre-concert talk

20.15 / Grote Zaal / Main Programme
George Antheil Jazz Symphonie 
Emil František Burian Kleine ouverture 
Victor Ulmann Sechs Lieder op.17 nach Albert Steffen
Stefan Wolpe Suite from the twenties 
Paul Hindemith Kammermusik nr.1 
Erwin Schulhoff Suite für Kammerorchester 
Silvestre Revueltas Sensemaya


Score Collective 
Musici Ebony Band

Music bursting with energy from the 1920s and 1930s

A kaleidoscopic programme, typical of the work of Werner Herbers and his Ebony Band. With music composed between the two world wars, according to Herbers ‘the most creative and versatile period in the entire history of music’. From dance to atonal music, music full of protest, resistance, exile, civil war, mostly by virtually forgotten composers, passionately rescued from oblivion by Herbers.

Two of the evening’s main courses are the exciting Jazz Symphony by ‘bad boy of music’ George Antheil and the hypnotising, gripping Sensemaya by the Mexican Silvestre Revueltas. Erwin Schulhoff’s Suite for Chamber Orchestra is a must-hear. After the trenches of the First World War, this composer/pianist plunged into the world of Dada and jazz, producing an oeuvre full of creativity and imagination.