Sakamoto’s 1996
do 7 mei 202620:15 - 22:00Grote Zaal
19.15 uur / Foyerdeck 1 / Inleiding
20.15 uur / Grote Zaal / Hoofdprogramma
Ryuichi Sakamoto 1996 (arr. Ken Thomson, Europese première)
A Day a Gorilla Gives a Banana, Rain, Bibo no Aozora, The Last Emperor, M.A.Y. in The Backyard, The Sheltering Sky, A Tribute to N.J.P., 1919, High Heels (Main Theme), Aoneko no Torso, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, The Wuthering Heights
Vicky Chow piano
David Cossin percussie
Arlen Hlusko cello
Mark Stewart gitaar
Ken Thomson klarinet
Andrew Cotton geluidstechnicus