Thu 4 Jan 2024 20:15 - 21:45
Maar wat er ook gebeurt er klinkt muziek
Olga Zuiderhoek + Gerard Bouwhuis
Past event

Maar wat er ook gebeurt er klinkt muziek

Olga Zuiderhoek + Gerard Bouwhuis
Thu 4 Jan 2024 20:15 - 21:45
Thu 4 Jan 2024
20:15 - 21:45
  • Thu 4 Jan 2024
    20:15 - 21:45
    Excl. drink
    Kleine Zaal
    Past event


Music from Béla Bartók, George Antheil, Louis Andriessen, Willem Breuker, George Gershwin, Igor Stravinsky and Johnny & Jones


Olga Zuiderhoek words, performance
Gerard Bouwhuis piano
Heleen Hulst violin. technical assistance

Kees Prins direction
Peter Claassen visuals
Hanneke Uijt de Willigen production

Many thanks to: Theaterbureau De Mannen, Liet Lenshoek, Tommie van Eck and Heleen Hulst

Reprise! Wegens groot succes terug in het Muziekgebouw

But whatever happens, there is music (in Dutch:‘Maar wat er ook gebeurt er klinkt muziek’) is the chorus of Ischa Meijer’s song Winter toes, lice and eczema, the typhoid and cancer and the flu (in Dutch: ‘Wintertenen, luizen en eczeem, de tyfus en de kanker en de griep). It’s the favourite song of actress Olga Zuiderhoek.

It is also the name of Olga’s theatre performance about the music from her 20th century. She chose Gerard Bouwhuis for the music the performance is all about: Bartók, Antheil, Andriessen, Breuker, Gershwin, Johnny & Jones and, of course, Stravinsky. They let the dead play along: Gerard plays with Breuker, Olga sings with Ischa.
Total theatre on 5 square metres: text, music and images, often funny, sometimes furiously sad, but no matter what: there is music! Gerard plays and Olga tells why. ‘There were two world wars in the 20th century, I missed out on both of them, how lucky can you get.’

More backgroung information on (in Dutch).

Attention: at the players’ express request, please do not bring any children to the performance.