Fauré, Tsjaikovski en Chopin
Thu 18 Jan 202420:15 - 22:20Interval 21:05Grote Zaal
19:30 / Grote Zaal / Support/ Rommie Rochell (mezzo-soprano) and Daan Boertien (piano)
Richard Wagner Wesendonck Lieder
20:15 / Grote Zaal / Main programme
7 songs from Gabriel Fauré
(Le papillon et la fleur / A Clymène / Les berceaux / Spleen / Danseuse / Clair de lune / Notre amour)
8 songs from Pjotr Tsjaikovski
(Снова, как прежде, один (Again, as before, alone) / Уноси моё сердце (Take my heart) / (Мой гений, мой ангел, мой друг (My genius, my angel, my friend) / Не верь, мой друг (Dont believe, my friend) / Колыбельная песня (Lullaby) / Первое свидание (The first meeting) / Как над горячею золой (As over the burning ashes) / Ни слова, о друг мой (Geen woord, mijn vriend))
Interspersed with 3 mazurkas by Frédéric Chopin (piano solo)
(Mazurka nr. 13 in A minor / Mazurka nr. 21 in Cis minor / Mazurka nr. 28 in B)
Pavel Haas Four songs on Chinese poems
(Zaslech jsem divoké husy (I heard the wild gooses) / V bambusovém háji (In the bamboo forest) / Daleko měsíc je domova (The moon is far from home) / Probděná noc (A sleepless night)
Frédéric Chopin Ballade nr. 4 in f (piano solo)
Hector Berlioz Les nuits d’été
(Villanelle / Le spectre de la rose / Sur les lagunes / Absence / Au cimetière / L’île inconnue)
Christian Gerhaher baritone
Gerold Huber piano