Christian Gerhaher (photo Sony - Gregor Hohenberg)

Fauré, Tsjaikovski en Chopin

Christian Gerhaher + Gerold Huber
Thu 18 Jan 2024 20:15 - 22:20
Thu 18 Jan 2024
20:15 - 22:20
  • Thu 18 Jan 2024
    20:15 - 22:20
    Interval 21:05
    Grote Zaal
    Past event


19:30 / Grote Zaal / Support/ Rommie Rochell (mezzo-soprano) and Daan Boertien (piano)
Richard Wagner Wesendonck Lieder

20:15 / Grote Zaal / Main programme

7 songs from Gabriel Fauré
(Le papillon et la fleur / A Clymène / Les berceaux / Spleen  / Danseuse  / Clair de lune  / Notre amour)

8 songs from Pjotr Tsjaikovski 
(Снова, как прежде, один (Again, as before, alone) / Уноси моё сердце (Take my heart) / (Мой гений, мой ангел, мой друг (My genius, my angel, my friend) / Не верь, мой друг (Dont believe, my friend) / Колыбельная песня (Lullaby) / Первое свидание (The first meeting) / Как над горячею золой (As over the burning ashes) / Ни слова, о друг мой (Geen woord, mijn vriend))

Interspersed with 3 mazurkas by Frédéric Chopin (piano solo)
(Mazurka nr. 13 in A minor / Mazurka nr. 21 in Cis minor / Mazurka nr. 28 in B)

Pavel Haas Four songs on Chinese poems
(Zaslech jsem divoké husy (I heard the wild gooses) / V bambusovém háji (In the bamboo forest) / Daleko měsíc je domova (The moon is far from home) / Probděná noc (A sleepless night)

Frédéric Chopin Ballade nr. 4 in f (piano solo)

Hector Berlioz Les nuits d’été
(Villanelle / Le spectre de la rose / Sur les lagunes / Absence / Au cimetière / L’île inconnue)


Christian Gerhaher baritone
Gerold Huber piano

Masterpieces filled with melancholy and longing

‘Gerhaher and Huber are perfectly tuned in to each other,’ headlined De Volkskrant in a 5-star review of this duo. The German baritone and pianist return to the Muziekgebouw with extraordinary repertoire. Besides songs by Fauré, Gerhaher ventures into Tchaikovsky’s Russian and the rarely heard Polish in the few songs of Chopin. Masterpieces filled with melancholy and longing.

After Christian Gerhaher and Gerold Huber’s recital in the Muziekgebouw in April 2022, De Volkskrant praised Gerhaher’s ‘glowing and precise’ storytelling and Huber’s meticulous performance. And the fact that the two ‘show equality in practice’. A special chemistry that is the result of thirty years of performing together. Whatever repertoire they perform, they always create unity. ‘The greatest duo of the world of art song’, the New York Times wrote.

Programme booklet (Dutch)