Sun 22 Mar 2026 15:00 - 17:00
The Rite of Time
Pavel Kolesnikov, Samson Tsoy, Alina Ibragimova, Alban Gerhardt, Nicolas Baldeyrou + HIIIT
Pavel Kolesnikov & Samson Tsoy (photo Joss Mckinley)

The Rite of Time

Pavel Kolesnikov, Samson Tsoy, Alina Ibragimova, Alban Gerhardt, Nicolas Baldeyrou + HIIIT
Sun 22 Mar 2026 15:00 - 17:00
Sun 22 Mar 2026
15:00 - 17:00
  • Sun 22 Mar 2026
    15:00 - 17:00
    Grote Zaal


Alfred Schnittke Lebenslauf for piano, metronome en percussions
Franz Schubert Andante con moto from Piano Trio No. 2, Op. 100
Morton Feldman Madame Press died last week at ninety
Steve Reich Piano Phase  
Olivier Messiaen Quatuor pour la fin du temps


Pavel Kolesnikov piano
Samson Tsoy piano
Alina Ibragimova violin
Alban Gerhardt cello
Nicolas Baldeyrou clarinet

Consolation in the face of time’s unyielding march

The Ragged Music Festival concludes with a deeply affecting climax: a stellar performance of Olivier Messiaen’s Quatuor pour le fin du temps. Messiaen composed his deeply moving plea for peace in a German prisoner-of-war camp where he was detained in June 1940. The music of Alfred Schnittke and of Morton Feldman, master of silence, also has a relationship with death and the relentless passage of time in human life.

Messiaen’s famous quartet is a religiously inspired vision in which an angel stops time. But it is also a testament to life, expressed through imitations of birdsong and rich, warm harmonies. That warmth, and the subtle melancholy for all that makes the world beautiful, are also expressed in the wonderfully consoling Andante from Schubert’s most famous piano trio.