Thu 5 Mar 2026 20:15 - 22:00
Berlage’s vision
Berlage Saxophone Quartet + Vincent Bijlo
Berlage Saxophone Quartet (photo Sarah Wijzenbeek)

Berlage’s vision

Berlage Saxophone Quartet + Vincent Bijlo
Thu 5 Mar 2026 20:15 - 22:00
Thu 5 Mar 2026
20:15 - 22:00
  • Thu 5 Mar 2026
    20:15 - 22:00
    Grote Zaal


19.15 / Foyerdeck 1 / Pre-concert talk

20.15 / Grote Zaal / Main program
Johann Sebastian Bach selection from Goldbergvariations (arr. Peter Vigh)
Erwin Schulhoff Fünf Stücke (arr. Peter Vigh)
Claude Debussy Pagodes (arr. Peter Vigh)
Joey Roukens Quodlibet


Vincent Bijlo reciter 

Berlage Saxophone Quartet:
Lars Niederstrasser soprano saxophone
Peter Vigh alto saxophone
Juani Palop Tecles tenor saxophone
Eva van Grinsven baritone saxophone

Utopian peace monument and anti-war poems

The Berlage Saxophone Quartet and comedian Vincent Bijlo, explore the significance of art and music for society. They draw inspiration from architect H.P. Berlage’s 1915 design The Pantheon of Humanity. Berlage presented this utopian peace monument with anti-war poems by Henriëtte Roland Holst. Bijlo, the architect’s grandson, recites from these poems while the quartet plays unifying music, ranging from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Goldberg Variations to Joey Roukens.

Like a Gesamtkunstwerk, Berlin’s Pantheon, which was never built, emerges from music and text. Berlage believed that art should serve society and focus on human authenticity. This authenticity is also the key to the success of young Dutch composers such as Joey Roukens, who choose to be guided by human experience rather than abstract musical concepts. Music that stirs the soul and prompts contemplation.