Happy 100, György!
Thu 19 Feb 202620:15 - 22:00Grote Zaal
19.15 / Foyerdeck 1 / Pre-concert talk
20.15 / Grote Zaal / Main program
György Ligeti Poème symphonique for 100 metronomes
György Kurtág Selection from Játékok (arr. Olivier Cuendet)
Mayke Nas 100 seconden (world premiere)
Unsuk Chin Akrostichon - Wortspiel for soprano and ensemble
György Kurtág Signs, games and messages (arr. Olivier Cuendet)
Jasper de Bock 100 instrumenten voor solo slagwerker (world premiere)
György Kurtág Lebenslauf (Életút)
Huba de Graaff 100 noten (world premiere)
Thomas Adès Living Toys
Gregory Charette conductor
Katharine Dain soprano
Joey Marijs percussion