Voices of the Violin
Thu 29 May 202520:15 - 21:30Grote Zaal
19.15 uur / Foyerdeck 1 / Inleiding
By Joep Stapel
20.15 / Grote Zaal / Main programme
Martijn Padding 26 Seconds
Silvia Borzelli presto continuo
Samuel Adams The Last Sound of Venice
Helena Winkelman Lady in a Shell (with a bell), from Capriccios for solo violin
Kate Moore E is for Elijah
Marton Illes Én-Kör IV
Robin de Raaff Encore II
Jan van de Putte and then my song started dreaming
Jürg Frey Wind, inside the sound
Jasper de Bock 1001 Stokslagen
Alice Yeung Posturizor
Livia Malossi Bottignole Hummingbird Pulse
Arieh Chrem Comfort, for Joe
Joseph Puglia violin