Vincent van Amsterdam (photo Merlijn Doomernik)

Dreams and Thunder

LUDWIG + Vincent van Amsterdam
Thu 27 Mar 2025 20:15 - 22:00
Thu 27 Mar 2025
20:15 - 22:00
  • Thu 27 Mar 2025
    20:15 - 22:00
    Grote Zaal


19.15 uur / Foyerdeck 1 / Inleiding
By Michel Khalifa

20.15 / Grote Zaal / Main Programme
Johann Sebastian Bach Klavecimbelconcert nr. 1 BWV 1052 (for accordeon) 
Wim Henderickx Dreams and Thunder 
Franz Liszt Nuages gris
Richard Wagner Prelude and Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde
Martin Lohse Encore 
Carl Philippe Emanuel Bach Sinfonia in D Wq. 183/1


Vincent van Amsterdam accordeon

A sound monument for Wim Henderickx

LUDWIG and accordionist Vincent van Amsterdam are creating a sound monument for the Belgian composer Wim Henderickx, who died in 2020. Music he dearly loved - by Bach, Liszt and Wagner - is paired with one of his last works, the accordion concerto Dreams and Thunder. An important detail: Vincent van Amsterdam was closely involved in the creation of this work.

Vincent van Amsterdam is a unique musician who, as OpusKlassiek once admiringly wrote, ‘can take on the colour of the music with his instrument like a chameleon’. He was awarded the Nederlandse Muziekprijs (Dutch Music Award) in 2016. Since that time, he has only become more versatile and colourful. Something he already demonstrated in early 2023 in collaboration with the ever-surprising LUDWIG, ‘that cheeky Dutch orchestra’, according to the LA Times. 

Echoes of Nothing

From 19:45 to 20:00, prior to the concert in the Main Hall, a musical improvisation on Dreams and Thunder by Wim Hendrickx will take place in the Entrance Hall.
> Learn more about Echoes of Nothing

Jasmine Karimova writes: “For this special edition of Echoes of Nothing, we have decided to pay homage to Wim Henderickx. Some of us had Wim as our professor, others saw him in the hallways of the conservatory - but everyone involved in this edition will have been touched and inspired by Wim in some way. Graciously, we've been granted use of a few themes from the accordion concerto that will be played the same evening, and we will improvise using this material as a musical base. 

Personally, I will always remember Wim demonstrating musical ideas - by dancing. Time spent with him felt like a party. We wanted to create a musical scenario where we could channel this life force and joy, and maybe even get the audience dancing, we think Wim would have gotten a kick out of that.”

Adriaan Lips, Ana de Sousa Pereira, Julian Tjon Sack Kie, Maja Čerček, Paul Schauenburg, Sean Haid, Antek Cholewinski, Yumi Augustine, Jasmine Karimova, Christian Nijeboer, Bela Braack

Improvisations on Dreams and Thunder by Wim Henderickx

Performers Echoes of Nothing
Performers Echoes of Nothing