Thu 24 Oct 2024 20:15 - 22:05
Portrait of Charles Ives (1874-1954)
Ives Ensemble
Past event
Charles Ives (photo Eugene Smith)

Portrait of Charles Ives (1874-1954)

Ives Ensemble
Thu 24 Oct 2024 20:15 - 22:05
Thu 24 Oct 2024
20:15 - 22:05
  • Thu 24 Oct 2024
    20:15 - 22:05
    Interval 21:00
    Grote Zaal
    Past event


19.15 / Foyerdeck 1 / Pre-concert talk
Door Joep Stapel

20.15 / Grote Zaal / Main programme
Charles Ives
Charles Ives Violin Sonata No. 4 ‘Children’s Day at the Camp Meeting’
Charles Ives Study No. 9 ‘The Anti-Abolitionist Riots’
Charles Ives String Quartet No. 1 ‘From the Salvation Army’
Charles Ives Three Quarter-tone Pieces
Charles Ives Study No. 21 ‘Some Southpaw Pitching’
Charles Ives Trio


Ives Ensemble 

Birthday salute to a unique American musical phenomenon

20 October 2024 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of American composer Charles Ives. A perfect reason for the best Ives performers there are, the Dutch Ives Ensemble, to celebrate this godfather of musical experimentation with a portrait concert. The programme features a wide range of works, including some rarely heard gems, that together showcase Ives’ versatility: from contemplative and lyrical to humorous and experimental – and always ahead of his time.

Piano Study No. 9, written in 1907, is a fascinating time capsule: Ives explores atonality in this work, composed in total isolation. Ives’ String Quartet No. 1, composed while he was a second-year student, is a surprisingly traditional work, though the use of Christian hymns hints at his lifelong fascination with popular traditions. The Three Quarter-tone Pieces for two pianos are, on the other hand, radical explorations of microtonality. The Trio for Violin, Cello, and Piano is the most substantial work on the programme and is quintessential Ives: witty, exhilarating, and utterly original.

Programme booklet (Dutch)