Sun 26 May 2024 15:30 - 16:30
Blikvangers (2+)
De Stilte
Past event
Blikvangers (photo Loet Koreman)

Blikvangers (2+)

De Stilte
Sun 26 May 2024 15:30 - 16:30
Sun 26 May 2024
15:30 - 16:30
  • Sun 26 May 2024
    15:30 - 16:30
    Excl. drankje
    Kleine Zaal
    Past event


Gertien Bergstra, Femke Somerwil choreography
Helene Jank, Gertien Bergstra, Femke Somerwil concept
Bert Vogels design

The beginning of adventure

Imagine the world when it was still in its pristine state. Everything was completely new and untouched. The sound of water, the flow of movement, nature was wordless. Discovery danced on every breeze, and every touch was the beginning of an adventure. Can you reignite that spark? In Blinkvangers ('Eyecatchers'), two dancers and a musician embark on the trail of childhood magic.

Multi-instrumentalist Helene Jank and two dancers of de Stilte explore the beginning again in Blinkvangers. With unusual instruments and encounters, which become natural because they are simply there. Because if you’ve never heard music, what does it sound like? And if you’ve never seen someone dance, what does it look like? Discover it in Blikvangers.

Blikvangers (photo Loet Koreman)
Blikvangers (photo Loet Koreman)