Tiffany Poon (photo Remy Holwick)

Debut in Amsterdam

Tiffany Poon
Mon 1 Jul 2024 20:15 - 22:10
Mon 1 Jul 2024
20:15 - 22:10
  • Mon 1 Jul 2024
    20:15 - 22:10
    Interval 20:55
    Grote Zaal


Robert Schumann Kinderszenen
Robert Schumann Papillons
Maurice Ravel La valse
Johann Sebastian Bach Prelude and Fugue in C from Das wohltemperierte Klavier - book 1
Johann Sebastian Bach Prelude and Fugue fuga in C minor from Das wohltemperierte Klavier - book 1
Frédéric Chopin 24 Preludes


Tiffany Poon piano

Exciting concert by young piano sensation

‘Pianist Tiffany Poon is 'one of those rare phenomena that come along once in every generation to upend our preconceptions', according to Bachtrack. This 27-year-old piano sensation is making her debut in Amsterdam with a solo recital. Works from her recent debut album Diaries: Schumann (which reached number 1 on both Apple Music and the Billboard Charts) will be complemented by preludes by Chopin, Bach, and the always spectacular piano version of Ravel's La valse. A debut that will be talked about for a long time.

'A captivating young star... a verbal whirlwind of enthusiasm, ideas, and insights', is how International Piano described American pianist Tiffany Poon. Born in Hong Kong, Tiffany Poon began studying at the renowned Juilliard School at the age of eight with Emanuel Ax and late Joseph Kalichstein. She has become a true 21st-century musician with a lot of subscribers on YouTube and over fifty million views. 

Tiffany Poon - Debut in Amsterdam is a collaboration between Muziekgebouw and Askonas Holt.

Tiffany Poon's YouTube channel

Tiffany Poon's Instagram account

Programme booklet (Dutch)