Wed 21 May 2025 20:15 - 22:00
Greetings from Linz
Scottish Chamber Orchestra + Vilde Frang
Vilde Frang (photo Marco Borggreve)

Greetings from Linz

Scottish Chamber Orchestra + Vilde Frang
Wed 21 May 2025 20:15 - 22:00
Wed 21 May 2025
20:15 - 22:00
  • Wed 21 May 2025
    20:15 - 22:00
    Interval 21:10
    Grote Zaal


Jay Capperauld The Origin of Colour (Dutch premiere)
Ludwig van Beethoven Violin Concerto
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 36 ‘Linz’


Scottish Chamber Orchestra 
Maxim Emelyanychev conductor
Vilde Frang violin

Modern twist on deeply romantic sounds

He is young and appealing and has excellent chemistry with the musicians. Thanks to conductor Maxim Emelyanychev, the Scottish Chamber Orchestra (SCO) is clearly flourishing. When Maxim takes the stage, you can feel the excitement among the musicians and the audience. Mozart’s Linz Symphony is a very lively work. He composed it in just four days, when traveling to Linz, but it became music for eternity. With Emelyanychev and the young SCO, it is in the very best hands.

If you had to name one violin concerto THE violin concerto, it would be Beethoven’s. It is a technically demanding work, yet sounds so natural. So when the soloist is the Norwegian Vilde Frang, it becomes a supreme experience. Only last year, the young Scot Jay Capperauld composed for the Scottish coronation of King Charles. Today he presents the Dutch premiere of his composition The Origin of Colour.